Youth Development

ITF Speaker Michael Ebert, created a Racketlon Development and competition pathway for children from the age of 6 to 12 years. In this concept the courts, rackets, balls and rules are adapted to the age and the development of the children.

Anti Doping Measurements

The European Racketlon Union will introduce Anti Doping Measurements to ensure fair competitions and equal chances for all.

Sports Center Development

Sports Center Development Officer and ERU board member Ersoy Korer advises sports centers in regard of new court construction and court renovation.

Media & Communication

Media Strategist Peter Robič is working on a communication concept to reach out to potential new players, tournament organizers, sports centers and sponsors to give them all the tools and information they need to become part of the Racketlon community.

Tournament Support

The ERU wants to lower the entry barriers for new Racketlon players by dropping at least one sport in the innovative Racketlon Split concept. The ERU helps tournament organizers, sports centers, clubs and associations to organize Racketlon tournaments, Racketlon Split Tournaments and European Championships.

EU Funding

ERU Vize President Radu Ionescu will continue to develop a European Racketlon project to apply for Erasmus Plus European Union Funding.

New Technology

The European Racketlon Union wants to introduce new technologies to the 4-racket-sport of Racketlon. Software solutions like a tailored Live Scoring Solution or the Digital Racketlon Pass provided via ON YOUR MARKS already became reality.

European Racketlon Doubles

The European Racketlon Union introduced a new Racketlon variant only for doubles: The European Racketlon Doubles consists Table Tennis, Badminton, Padel and Tennis. The first European Championships have been held in Graz in 2022.

World Championships 2022

In cooperation with the FIR – Federation of International Racketlon and the RFA – Racketlon Federation Austria the ERU was part of the Racketlon World Championshiops 2022 in Vienna & Graz (Austria) – the biggest Racketlon event to date.

ERU Supporters & Sponsors


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