Coronavirus Covid-19 Guidelines


The health, wellbeing, and safety of each individual in the Racketlon community is our top priority. The ERU strongly advises to follow your local rules and restrictions until the coronavirus has been defeated.



Improving the physical health of each individual has a very important role to fight the coronavirus. The ERU suggests to focus on cardio training which shall be done alone. If by local authorities allowed, training on court of the Racketlon sports Table Tennis, Badminton, Squash and Tennis shall be held in small groups.


Match play

If match play and/or tournaments are authorized by local authorities, the ERU advises to play in small draws of maximum 8 players. The players of diverse draws shall avoid any contact with players of other draws. The ERU strongly advises in all matches to keep distance to other players at any time, including during play, when taking breaks and before and after play. Especially in doubles matches players shall take care keeping distance and avoiding physical contact between doubles partners. If any sport is prohibited by local authorities, the ERU suggests using the Racketlon Split concept, including 2 or 3 of the 4 Racketlon sports Table Tennis, Badminton, Squash and Tennis.

Most Important

1 Stay at home if you feel sick

2 Wash your hands regularly

3 Don’t touch your face

4 Keep distance to other individuals (min. 1meter – follow local rules)

5 No physical contact (not even handshakes) with other individuals

6 Use your own equipment (rackets, balls, etc.)

7 Wear masks indoors off court 



Feel free to contact us for further information:


Graz | September 24, 2020


Archived Versions:

Graz | June 16, 2020 
Graz | July 15, 2020 
Graz | September 10, 2020 


The ERU provides the files below as a service concerning Coronavirus Covid-19. Feel free to download and adapt the files to your needs.

ERU Covid-19 Prevention Concept – available for further use.
(Currently available only in German)

ERU Covid-19 Prevention Concept – Participation Confirmation.
Available for further use.

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